Today is Fathers Day, so here's to John Teal...
don't even ask why he has a hat on! |
John Teal is the 'bloggerer' of four different blogs (for the time being!)
Ashton Stake Young Women: The blog about Ashton Stake Young Women, this is kind of a favour to my mum as she is Ashton Stake Young Women's president
So I followed in my dad's footsteps and now have two blogs (I don't think I would have the patience to manage four!)
Creative Mind: The blog about my hobby & trying to make my company/work!
John Teal is amazingly creative, these are his own words: 'Creativity seems to manifest itself in so many different ways. I have read about films, cookery, model making, and life in general. Even when the blogs are not about a creative activity, the blog itself is creative !'
My dad and I once had a compotition to see how many followers we could get during the A-Z Challenge. He was ahead by like 20 and I finally gave up.
When I ask my dad each year about a week before Fathers Day what he would like, he always tells me "nothing".
This year my reply was something like "Well, I'm ovbiously gonna get you something, so either tell me what you want or I will just get you something useless that you don't want or need."
He replied: "Party Rings."
Party rings it was!
I hope you enjoy your day dad, I love you lots!